SeedComp! 🌱 The Final Harvest! (It's the Results!)

And here we are, after months of planting the most amount of seeds the competition had ever seen, months of arduous work from our participants to make the great batch of games, and a handful of weeks where we all had fun playing and voting for those really cool games!

So first, thank you!
All of you who participated in this new edition of the Seedcomp!, whether it was submitting a seed, creating a game, playing the entries, reviewing them, and voting for them!!
Thank you, for making the SeedComp! happen once more!
Without yall, there wouldn’t be an event…

Once more, it is now time to awards some…

SeedComp! Organisers Stickers!

Like last year, we are awardning 4 (four) Special Stickers, created by the organisers, to acknowledge some milestones that happened during the competition:

  • The Seeder, for the user who submitted most seeds during the Planting round
  • The Farmer, for the user incorporating the most seeds in a game
  • Seed of All Trades, for the most used seed
  • The Broadcaster, for the most registered seed

And here are the winners!

The Seeder

  • @pinkunz, for submitting 37 seeds!
    (the most anyone every submitted!)

The Farmer

  • @anon7585926, who once again incorporated the most seeds in one entry, in ATGIWHMFSIIHTTWIDNOWTANY
    Also the longest game title ever!

Seed of All Trades

  • Palates by @OverThinking, with 3 entries using one of the colour palette provided.

The Broadcaster

  • Weirdcore Inspiration by KnightAnNi, with 5 registrations.

And for what we’re all waiting for…

SeedComp! Nomination Results!

First, some…

Seed Awards

Most Innovative Seed

Best New! Seed

The best seed submitted this year!

  • Reverse a Poem by Amanda Walker

Best Returning Seed

The best seed submitted in previous editions!

  • Poetic Justice by rovarsson

Best Organiser Seed

The best seed submitted by one of the organisers!

  • Mr Nice, Mr Mean, Mr In-Between by manonamora

And now for the main event!

Game Awards

Best Seed Hybridization

For this first category, we had a tie!

Best Seed Subversion

And for this category, we got a… three-way tie!

Most Sequel-Worthy

  • Dungeons & Distractions by @EJoyce

Best Puzzles

Best UI/Visual

Best Prose/Writing

We also had another 3-way tie!

Best Technical

Best Story

And finally…

The Best Overall is awarded to…

Faery: Swapped by @mathbrush and Solkatt_ by @BenyDanette

Best-Overall-Brian Best-Overall-Beny

Congratulations to all winners!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

All awards and stickers (including the ones submitted by voters) were each given a separate graphic (such as the one above). Participants can find and download them form this Folder.
(If there is a typo, please let me know, so I can fix it :slight_smile: )

Did you miss the competition? You can still play the games here!

And we’ll see you… much earlier than you think :wink:


Thanks! I really enjoyed participating, and I was so impressed by the variety of fun games people came up with!


Congratulations, everyone! And thanks for making so many cool games!


Congratulations to all the participants, organizers, players and voters, and specially to the winners.
I have been lost this years due my travel works, but I have readed the reviews and I will play most of the games afterwards.


Congratulations all!


Congratulations to all who participated, played, reviewed and voted! It’s been a really nice time reviewing all the entries and seeing what cool concepts people created out of the various seeds. Hope we can have a higher quality harvest (pun intended) next year!


Thank you (and the other organizers) for running this—I had a great time both making my own game and playing everyone else’s! And I’m flattered to hear that there’s interest in further werewolf anxiety adventures™.

Congrats to everyone!


Congratulations to the winners and everyone who made a game! Such an interesting variety of entries this year—I played them all and they’re all winners in my book. :trophy:


Congrats guys!! It was really fun this year.