*SeedComp!* 2025 ~ Time to sprout some games!

Welcome to this new edition of the Seedcomp!

SeedComp! is a 2-round interactive fiction game jam, run on itch.io, focusing on creativity and the growth of ideas.

While some parts of the world are participating in harvest festivals, here at SeedComp! HQ, we’ve gotten the ground ready for the planting of new seeds!

Come join us and plant a seed yourself, or maybe sprout a game from one of those seeds. Or maybe both! Or maybe look from afar and vote for your favourite entry!

→ Auto-Reenrolment
If you submitted a seed last year which was not used, and selected the re-enrolment option, you don’t need to resubmit it this year, we will do it for you!
And it’s here!
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Relevant links:

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→ Round length

SeedComp! starts a bit longer this year, allowing participants a bit more time to submit both seeds and games:

  • Planting Round: NOW! to Dec, 1st
  • Sprouting Round: Dec 1st to March 1st
  • Voting Period: March 3rd to March 31st

All indicated deadlines are still set to midnight (00:00 - 12am) UTC -10/HST time, and Itch still translates it to your local time automatically.

If you have any question about the rules or the competition, please let us know!

Something went wrong when I edited the Sprouting Page, I’m working on fixing it and make it public again!


So I’m totally not doing this super late at all like I promised I would… so very sorry. Turns out there was a whole lot more to do than I remember leaving myself.

Some little updates:

  • The Sprouting Round page is officially and for real this time online!
  • This year’s crop doesn’t tickle your brain? Check out the still eligible seeds from the previous edition through our Auto-Reenrollment program!

Bumping it because there’s a bit over a week left to submit a seed for this year’s edition!


I still feel like there’s so much juice in the “Reverse a Poem” seed from last year. I know some people used it, but there are so many ways it could be used. Could I resubmit that? Or submit a couple of poems I feel like are ripe for reversal (funny to horror, happy to sad, scary to sweet, etc)?


I would be incredibly happy if this particular seed is resubmitted. One of my unfinished works intended to use this seed. So, if this did happen, I would be motivated to finish it.


I don’t want to give a definite answer just yet without checking with the other organisers. Will come back ASAP with a concrete response.

In any case, participants in the Sprouting Round can use any seed submitted to the SeedComp!, even if they were used by someone in previous edition. However:

  • All entries must be based on at least one seed from this year’s Planting round.

I’ve had some return back, so here is what we’ve agreed on:
Since Reverse a Poem was already used in a past entry, we would not accept a resubmission. As well with submitting with a new list of poem titles as example, the core would still be too much of the same compared to the original seed.

It is, however, included in the Seed Bank (as agreed upon when you submitted it last year). And like said in my previous message, anyone is allowed to use any past seed in their entry (as long as it is not the only one).

If you would like to include new titles to that original seen, please feel free to send me an updated version, and I’ll update the Seed Bank :slight_smile:


Is there any recommended minimum for providing poetry as a seed?

Edit: Nevermind—realised I was interpreting the “static text” bit to refer to just text intended as part of a game, rather than any static text.

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Just bumping it here as a reminder. The dl to submit a seed ends very soon : 2024-12-01T09:59:00Z

So if you have an idea/asset lying collecting dust in a drawer, come submit it :slight_smile:


All of the Discord links seem to be for an expired invite. Is it possible to get a new one?

Excited to start sprouting!


Strange… Generated a new one :slight_smile:


Will there a be a spreadsheet for signing up for seeds? There aren’t a whole lot of them this year, so it would be good to know what others are thinking of using so I’m not picking the same thing as everyone else.

This year I didn’t have a lot of ideas I was willing to part with yet.

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I am like… half a week late, but internet decided not to be so…

17 new seeds were submitted this year, along with the 66 re-enrolled seeds from the previous editions!
Come check them out here!

For those you like a one-download-link, here it is! It includes both the seeds of this year and the auto-renroll batch.

And this also means that…

The Sprouting round is open!

So don’t forget to join on the itch page :wink:

If you are interested in using one/some of the seeds, you can indicate it in this spreadsheet!


Thanks for organizing this again, the previous years were fun. Just so you know, the first “Planting” link on the 2025 Sprouting page links to 2024’s Planting round, which I’m guessing is unintentional.

Will there be an official zip file with all the 2025 seeds? I went and made my own folder with all the newly submitted seeds this year, though it doesn’t include the ones from past years. Zip linked here in Google Drive in case anyone else wants it.


I think the link to the previous years games is broken. Here? Submissions to SeedComp! - Sprouting Round - itch.io


I pasted the wrong link… thanks! it’s fixed now!