Scott Adams interpreter discrepancies

I wanted to throw one more example I didn’t see listed here of a Scott Adams Interpreter variant that depends on autoget - David Malmberg took the existing PET engine from 1979 and besides adding disk load/save functionality, implemented a version of autoget that checks both the noun array and all the “getable” items, then wrote “Castle Adventure” some time after December 1980 (based on the comments).

I had previously written my own game interpreter in 6502 machine code that played Adventureland and Pirate’s Adventure from the data statements in the original PET BASIC games. When I got a copy of Castle Adventure, it didn’t work and I had to re-implement the search loop for GET and DROP to also check the item strings.

I can’t seem to find an on-line copy of the exact version I have but here’s one that’s close (the biggest change is they appear to have renumbered the program line numbers for the printed version)

There’s also a variant of Castle Adventure for the Commodore 64 in the Interactive Fiction archive, but it has a couple of structural changes (removing load/save routines and chaining to a menu program for all the programs on the disk) as well as some specific presentation changes for the Commodore 64.

Outside of a few differences, all the variations of Castle Adventure can be traced back to the original 1979 version of the game engine.