Scott Adams interpreter discrepancies

More discrepancies between Scott Adams interpreters: ScottFree and PerlScott fail to display the correct room description in The Count when you start the game and immediately enter SLEEP three times in a row. The video in my previous post shows what happens in ADVENTUR/CMD — this is the intended, correct behaviour: you die, the game is over, and the room description changes to “I am in a LOT OF TROUBLE (And so Are you!)”.

But in ScottFree, the room description remains “I’m lying in a large brass bed”. Same in PerlScott. ScottKit sort of gets it right but not completely: the correct line (“I am in a LOT OF TROUBLE…”) is displayed on screen, but it’s displayed below the “game is now over” message! Maybe that’s unavoidable because ScottKit implements a “conversational” interface rather than a split-screen one.

But Spatterlight gets it right, as does BeebScott.*

I’ve updated the test game, cases.DAT, so that when you QUIT, it will attempt to take you to a new room (“the Quit Room”) just before the game ends. Here it is in ADVENTUR/CMD:

[*] There were two official versions of The Count for the BBC Micro, both released in the 1980s, but only one of them got this behaviour right!

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