Saves Menu Customisation

Twine Version: 2.9
Sugarcube: 2.36.1.

Hello everyone! I got help for my UI bar conundrum, so I’m here for another super-specific problem.

I want to customise the saves menu (change colour, font, maybe the layout, etc.), but I have no idea what the specific tags are for it. Through my aimless customising of the dialog box, I was able to change the heading + its box (see attached). But that’s where my luck’s ran out.

I’ve since been able to configure the amount of saves, but it feels like nothing else has been working for me. I think I’m just missing the tag, but I can’t find anything in the documentation.

Thanks and keep up the great work! <3

Just realised the save file name is there. Whoops - it looks weird out of context xD .

You can change the appearance of the saves dialog like this:

#ui-dialog-body.saves {
  /*insert yous css here*/

In general, you can inspect the css of an element by right clicking on it and selecting “Inspect Element”. Another option is to take a look at the default css of the saves dialog, which can be found here.

Haha super late reply - apologies! I went to bed.
Thanks sm! These were exactly what I needed. I always looked at the HTML through the Inspect and searched for what I was looking for, but I guess Inspect Element is much easier and specific lol.

Thanks again! <3