Rule failing

[code]A hole is a container in Booth.

The description of the hole is “About six inches in diameter.”[/code]


Watcha’ wanna do next?

examine hole

Watcha’ wanna do next?

Actions listing on.

examine hole
[examining the hole]
[examining the hole - failed]

Watcha’ wanna do next?

search hole
[searching the hole]
[searching the hole - failed]

The code you’ve posted should certainly work. It appears (I’m guessing) that you’ve written an Instead rule elsewhere in the game (possibly something to do with what the player can do in the Booth) that is interfering with the ‘examine’ and ‘search’ actions.

Maybe this is it:

[code]Instead of doing anything except closing multi-colored door while player is in Booth:
say “[if multi-colored door is open]Consider what you’re about to do. The cops do ocassionally check the back room and the open booths[end if].”

A hole is a container in Booth.

The description of the hole is “About six inches in diameter.”[/code]

This worked:

[code]Every turn:
if player is in Booth and multi-colored door is open:
say “[if multi-colored door is open]Consider what you’re about to do. The cops do ocassionally check the back room and the open booths[end if].”;
continue the action.

A hole is a container in Booth.

The description of the hole is “About six inches in diameter. Big enough to fit any cock you’ve ever sucked.”[/code]

You still have at least one problem there. See the period after the [end if]? That period will ALWAYS print, whether the [if] condition is true or not.

Your fantasies about the diameter of the male reproductive organ are … well, I won’t say they’re entertaining, because I’m not entertained. Let’s just say you have grandiose ideas.

Thanks. And LOL. Plus, I thought I had edited the offending part out.

This is probably more like what you want:

Instead of doing anything except looking or examining or closing when the location is the Booth and the colored door is open, say "You should probably close the door first."

And I must agree with Jim’s sentiment. Perhaps the best word would be “grotesque”?

Like I said, I thought I had edited out that part. Sorry.

I think the point is not “We’re offended!”. The point is that you may be mistaking “diameter” with “length”. You may want to check that out.

Hmmm …a grammar issue. I see. Thanks.