Riven remake

Anyone looking forward to the release of the full-3D Riven remake?

Some screenshots from the demo:

I wish Cyan would release it after IF Comp…


I have Myst on my laptop. My younger brother played through Myst and Riven back in the day. I will definitely check out Riven and share with Tim.

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Riven is my favorite game of all time. I’ll definitely play the remake!

That said, full 3D isn’t really a selling point for me. I have a few images burned into my brain from older games like Final Fantasy IX and Riven, which were so impactful because they were composed so precisely. When the camera can move everywhere in 3D, the visual composition is generally less striking.

But I will still be all over this Riven remake. I think I remember reading that they changed and/or added puzzle elements. Very curious to see how their approach to the design might be different after all these years.