Revealing different parts of a passage with different link names

So I’m using this code to reveal more text within the same passage, but at the moment I can only use one link name for it, and I’d like to be able to have the name of the link change depending on the context of the story.

<<if !_var>>
<<link "__Next__">>
<<ctpAdvance "WeAreSisters01">>

So how do I go about having different link names within the same passage? I thought about using the same code again in the same passage with a different word other than “Next”, but it doesn’t seem to work.

I think you were close:

  <<if !_var>>
    <<link "__Next__">>
      <<ctpAdvance "WeAreSisters01">>
      /*code to change the variable or the condition*/
  <<elseif [other condition]>>
    <<link "SomethingElse">>
      <<ctpAdvance "WeAreSisters01">>
  <<elseif [another condition]>>
    /*your code*/

Note: the conditions should be ordered from the most restrictive to the least restrictive.

Depending on how the rest of your page is formatted <<linkreplace>> might suit better your need.