Request for optimization/readability help

So, this bit of code does what I want it to. A customer pushes a squeaky shopping cart in and out of the area. Its location is random. But… it’s kind of a mess? The code is a lot less readable than I like—I’m bad enough at this stuff as it is—and I wonder if there is a more elegant, efficient way to achieve what I’m doing. I’ll post it as a snippet. Does anyone have trouble reading Borogrove snippets?

I appreciate any suggestions.


I would not define a global variable R here; you can do the random test inside the every turn rule with a local variable. So just write this:

Every turn when the player is in the pharmacy (this is the random cart rule):
   if the cart is in the location:
      if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
         say "Some text";
         say "Other text";
         now the cart is nowhere;
      if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:
         say "Some text";
         say "Other text";
         now the cart is in the location;

You keep everything in one place, making it easier to see what is going on. (Untested code.)


This is definitely better. Thanks!

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Every turn:
  if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds begin;
    say "A shopper pushes a [if the cart is in the location]squeaky cart nearby, occasionally stopping to pick up an item[else]shopping cart into sight. It has a squeaky wheel, which suggests it is rubbing a bit[end if].";
    now the cart is in the location;
    if the cart is in the location begin;
      now the cart is nowhere;
      say "The shopper pushes the squeaky cart down an aisle, vanishing from sight.";
      say "A squeaking sound can be heard nearby.";
    end if;
  end if;

(Explicit begins and ends is just a personal preference of mine and I’m not representing their use as improving the code.)


That’s helpful, too. It looks like the decision point between Victor’s example and your is whether or not to present one set of alternatives as a single say directive or as two separate ones. Both take advantage of natural language to do randomization instead of declaring a variable.

Which is great. I haven’t used that phrasing before, and it’s bound to come in handy!