Removing repeated looping code

I display many tables, and most of the code within the display loops are repeated in each. I want to pull out the repeated code into a “to decide” or “to assign traits” function. What is the syntax for calling that routine? Example:

To display armor table:
	let PriceValue be a real number;
	say "[line break][bold type][line break]          A R M O R[line break]";
	say "Armor          Nbr          Cost          Weight[line break][roman type]";
	repeat through the Table of BodyProtection:  [reading table before displaying]
		now PriceValue is Cost entry * ChrAdj;
		let price be coinage of PriceValue; [text]
		say "[fixed letter spacing][item entry]     [nbr entry]     [price]     [weight entry]     [AC entry][variable letter spacing][line break]";
		now item entry is in Ganon's Emporium;
**		now cost of item entry is cost entry;	[base cost before Chr adj to get price]**
**		now weight of item entry is weight entry;**
**		now qty of item entry is nbr entry;**
		now AC of item entry is AC entry; 
	say "[paragraph break]";

I pulled out the statements in bold like this:

To assign traits to (item - a thing):
	now qty of item is nbr entry of item;
	now cost of item is cost entry;	[base cost before Chr adj to get price]
	now weight of item is weight entry;

I get a generic parser error on the first line of the “To assign traits” function. What am I doing wrong? I think it doesn’t identify the row of the table in which “entry” applies.

When you say now qty of item is nbr entry of item, the term nbr entry refers to a table that you do not name in your phrase “To assign traits”.

A little experiment for you:

Lab is a room.

Table of BodyProtection
Item		Nbr	Cost	Weight 		AC
padded robe 		2	5	1		11

To assign traits to (LocalItem - a thing) consulting (LocalTable - a table name):
	choose row with an item of Localitem in Localtable	;
	now qty of LocalItem is nbr entry;
	now cost of LocalItem is cost entry;
	now weight of LocalItem is weight entry;
A padded robe is a thing.
A padded robe has a number called qty.
A padded robe has a number called cost.
A padded robe has a number called weight.

When play begins:
	assign traits to a padded robe consulting Table of BodyProtection;
	say "qty: [qty of a padded robe] -- cost: [cost of a padded robe] -- weight: [weight of a padded robe] [paragraph break]";
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Stephane gave me homework! :grin:
I’ll see what it does. It looks like what I want. Thx.

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:slight_smile: - Sorry, I didn’t want to appear condescending; I find that it helps a lot (and I need it) to be interested in other people’s code problems. It’s just that I’m in a hurry (don’t complain, it saves you 3 off-topic paragraphs).

I didn’t get that from your reply. I think what you gave me is what I want, and I’m trying to integrate it into my code now.

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Worked like a charm. I changed one line (and removed the setup code) so that it was within my loop instead of the “When play begins” rule.

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