RemGlk Z-machine interpreter

As we add more regression tests to the Dialog compiler, I’d like to use RemGlk instead of dumbfrotz or dgdebug for some of them, to test styling, status bars, and so on. (This might be using regtest, or might be just diffing the JSON output against the gold standard.)

What’s the best way to use RemGlk for this? My initial thought is to compile Bocfel against it (as the most up-to-date Glk Z-machine interpreter), but I know there’s also Emglken, and there might be others too. My goal is to make it as easy as possible to run the test suite.

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If you’re wanting to test styles, note that Zarf’s RemGlk is limited to the 11 Glk styles and not the per-character extension functions. My RemGlk-rs does support them, but if you’re using RegTest you’ll have to modify it to send the support flags.

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Ah, and emglken does use remglk-rs, right?

Since version 0.7 it does!

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I use bocfel for compiler/library tests. (I just ignore the color issue, because that’s not what I’m testing.)

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