Referring to condition properties in a definitions table

I love defining kinds of value in a table. But I’m not sure if I can define all the properties I want here. How can I add the “repeatable” condition to this table?

[code]A turn-based event is a kind of value. Some turn-based events are defined by the Table of Turn-based Events.
A turn-based event has a stored action called the scheduled action. The scheduled action of a turn-based event is usually the action of waiting.
A turn-based event has a turn-based event called the next move. The next move of a turn-based event is usually normal keyboard input.

A turn-based event can be repeatable. A turn-based event has a number called the maximum repeats. The maximum repeats of a turn-based event is usually 100. A turn-based event can be uneventful.

Table of Turn-based Events
turn-based event scheduled action (stored action) maximum repeats (number)
normal keyboard input – --

Test is a room.

When play begins:
repeat with E running through turn-based events:
showme the maximum repeats of E;
showme whether or not E is repeatable;[/code]

Everything I’ve tried gives a compiler error.

Also, I thought leaving a table cell blank would give it the kind’s default value - apparently it doesn’t because the maximum repeats is 0. Is there any way to specify in the table that we want to use the default value?

Now I have a new, even weirder problem. It doesn’t happen in this example, but when I add it to my Kerkerkruip Automated Tests ( … e/, I get three “*** Deep copy failed: types mismatch ***” errors at the start of the game. Removing the stored action column makes them go away. Any ideas about that one?

Regarding the first post, one workaround is to writeA turn-based event has a truth state called repeatable flag. Definition: a turn-based event (called X) is repeatable if the repeatable flag of X is true.

It does, but the number kind’s default is zero—the usually line doesn’t come into play. I don’t think there’s a workaround for this one.

You can define “repeatability” as a kind of value (repeatable and unrepeatable), then add a column with the name repeatability. That tells the compiler to use the state of that value as a property.

The only advantage this has over eu’s code is the ability to write “now the X is repeatable”.