Red Door, Yellow Door hint request

Hey @OverThinking! I was hoping you’d give me a nudge. Dad’s loose and I’ve already let Claire die once, but I’m totally stumped as to what to do next. I have a bag, bolt cutters, the scrap of paper, the housekey, and the camera. These don’t seem to be helpful, and neither is the bike. I’ve poked around everywhere over and over and I’m feeling kind of dim about now :slight_smile:


Well, if dad’s loose, there’s not much left to do but wake up!

You might also try waking up before setting him loose :wink:


Okay then. I was wondering if that was the case!


Are you sure you want to restart?


I solved the puzzle that allows you to wake up after your dad is set loose, but it seems to be the same ending that you get from waking up before he’s set loose. Are that ending and the one where Claire dies the only endings in the game?

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They aren’t the same ending, in fact–something different should happen after you leave the living room.

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How’d you do that? I’m pretty sure I know what needs to happen but have no idea what the commands are.

What do you think needs to happen, and at what point are you getting stuck?

Edit: Sorry, just saw you addressed this in your review thread! I replied to you there.

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Copying back over here too, since this is the hint thread, I had neglected to

examine the objects in

the kitchen

I’ve gotten two different endings Claire dies and just waking her up and eating pizza rolls, and after restarting again, I’m now stuck after getting up to the top of the tower. I found the note from the skyscraper that says that’s the escape point, but I’m not sure what I need to do from there to continue, or if there’s something else I need to do elsewhere first…

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You just need to wake up.


Oh wow, how did I not think of trying that!! Haha thank you!


No, I think there must be more. The ending here is identical to just waking up earlier in the game. You still get the sentence “And in that other world, something vast and suited lurks.”

Hmmm, I just got a different ending from before…

Really? I got a different one from the top of the tower…it starts in the living room but as Charm said up above it goes differently when you leave? I ended up in the glen and you meet your dad (or “dad”?).


Okay then, maybe I should do a run-through from the beginning.

Are you sure you set your “dad” loose before going up there?


I didn’t. I was misled by Charm’s answer earlier :)t


It belatedly occurred to me why I didn’t think of this… I never actually tried waking up after untying my dad, so I didn’t realize it wasn’t possible anywhere but the tower. :laughing: