RECOMMENDATION REQUEST: The Future of Interactive Fiction

My understanding is that this problem is resolved (see Zilf 0.9 - Raspberry Pi 4 - #2 by Adam_S)

I’m no expert on IFComp but all of the (parser) games I’ve seen are possible to do in either Inform 6/Inform 7/Dialog/ZIL. The language you use is just a personal preference.

I’ve followed this thread a bit from the sideline but here are two thoughts from my perspective…

  1. The quality and success of game is connected to the quality of the story and text. What computer language that is used to realize this story is irrelevant. A text-based IF is so low on resources that it can be played on most imaginable platforms. I find a discussion on what operating system and with what computer language one use quite fruitless and a dead end.
  2. Watching my kids play modern games on consoles (PS5 among others), I notice that many games have a story mode that have many elements from IF. The sport games from EA, for instance, have a career mode and Spider-Man: Miles Morales is defintely a story with a beginning and an end (there is also lots of action sequences, for sure). This makes me wonder if not the future of Interactive Fiction already is here, as components of games from commercial game developers.