Quick scoring / acting fast question


Sorry -really quick question. How do I notify the player they’ve scored if an action is acting fast?

Pushing is acting fast.

Together with the usual take actions out of world:

[code]The take visual actions out of world rule is listed before the every turn stage rule in the turn sequence rules.

This is the take visual actions out of world rule:
if acting fast, rule succeeds;[/code]

And a rule for pushing a button.

Instead of pushing button: increase the score by 1; say "blah blah blah.".

Bur of course this only notifies player that score has increased after next turn. So, in game:

push button
blah blah blah

Your score has increased by one point.

How do I get it so it notifies me without having to tick over to next turn?

Thanks for any and all help.


You need to trigger the “notify score changes” rule manually.

Instead of pushing button: increase the score by 1; say "blah blah blah."; follow the notify score changes rule.

Thank You!!!
I should have known that!!!
Much appreciated.

Probably want to do it this way:

This is the take visual actions out of world rule: 
    if acting fast:
        follow the notify score changes rule;
        rule succeeds;

That way we stick to the principle of notifying the score exactly once per command cycle.