I have a series of questions that I want the player to answer, so I use the “if player consents” construct. However, I want to test something further down in play, so would like to build a test script that answers these questions automatically.
If have a TestFlag that is set to ON when I want to skip the questioning, but how do I pretend the player has answered?
After looking in SE_Road the first time:
say "A burly guard blocks the road. 'Girard said you would be coming, but only registered adventurers can enter,' he says.[paragraph break]";
say " 'Do you want to register as an adventurer-in-training?' ";
if TestFlag is "ON":
[what goes here?]
if the player consents:
now stage is stName;
follow the every turn rules;
follow the advance time rule;
say "[line break] 'The guard brings himself to his full six foot height and puts his hand on his formidable sword. 'Then turn around and be on your way,' he commands.";
end the story.
What code block follows the if TestFlag is "ON":
I’ve tried now the player consents
[code “YES”[/code] and neither works.