Problem with writing a paragraph about?

I kinda wanted to make a sound puzzle in one of my rooms, which involves a radio and a sanctuary which is too silent for a player to act in without music (well not really.) Only the description part is kind of weird. My code is:

The Sanctuary is a room. Rule for writing a paragraph about the Sanctuary: If the Magitek Radio is in the Sanctuary: If the Magitek Radio is switched on: say "A relatively small sanctum. The silence that once filled your head is now gone thanks to the radio. It's still eerie, though. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary." instead; Else: say "A relatively small sanctum. The silence is staggering, and you can't hear yourself think. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary." instead; Else: say "A relatively small sanctum. The silence is staggering, and you can't hear yourself think. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary." instead.
But then in the output, it just says “Sanctuary. You can see a sanctum door here.” How can I fix this?

The rule for writing a paragraph about applies only to things in rooms, not to rooms themselves. You can turn it into a to say phrase and call it from the description:

The description of the Sanctuary is “[Sanctuary desc][run paragraph on]”.

To say Sanctuary desc:
If the Magitek Radio is in the Sanctuary:
If the Magitek Radio is switched on:
say “A relatively small sanctum. The silence that once filled your head is now gone thanks to the radio. It’s still eerie, though. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary.”;
say “A relatively small sanctum. The silence is staggering, and you can’t hear yourself think. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary.”;
say “A relatively small sanctum. The silence is staggering, and you can’t hear yourself think. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary.”.[/code]

But in this case when there’s only one sentence with two alternatives it’s easier just to compress everything into the description itself:

The description of the Sanctuary is "A relatively small sanctum[if the Magitek Radio is in the Sanctuary and the Magitek Radio is switched on]. The silence that once filled your head is now gone thanks to the radio[otherwise]. The silence is staggering, and you can't hear yourself think[end if]. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary."

Also, since you can use properties when referring to objects, you can reduce this slightly further:

The description of the Sanctuary is "A relatively small sanctum[if the switched on Magitek Radio is in the Sanctuary]. The silence that once filled your head is now gone thanks to the radio[otherwise]. The silence is staggering, and you can't hear yourself think[end if]. You notice a wooden inner sanctum in the middle of the sanctuary."