Problem with Greek Characters in Workbench

I am currently working on a greek translation of TADS 3 but I am having problems with using greek characters. Although charset is set to iso-8859-7 and the encoding too, when I am compiling the game through workbench, having changed the object ‘Room’ to its greek translation (by copying and editing the language-dependent files), the compiler presents the following error:

c:\program files (x86)\tads 3\lib\adv3\el_gr\el_gr.h(87): error: 
The symbol "ÄùìÜôéï" contains one or more non-ASCII characters (the
first is [Unicode] character U+0394). Only plain ASCII characters can be used
in symbols; accented letters and other non-ASCII characters aren't allowed.

(I have created a file el_gr that contains the language-dependent files, I have changed their encoding and the charset as I mentioned above and have only changed the object Room)

Is there a way to make it work?

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