Problem moving aft with 'a'

I have set up my nautical movements thus:

The starboard is a direction. The starboard has opposite port. Understand "s" as starboard when the location is nautical.

The port is a direction. The port has opposite starboard. Understand "p" as port when the location is nautical.

The fore is a direction. The fore has opposite aft. Understand "f" as fore when the location is nautical.

The aft is a direction. The aft has opposite fore. Understand "a" as aft when the location is nautical.

Does the player mean going a nautical direction when the location is nautical: it is very likely.

Index map with fore mapped as north. Index map with aft mapped as south. Index map with port mapped as west. Index map with starboard mapped as east.

A room can be nautical or earthbound. A room is usually not nautical. A direction can be nautical or earthbound. A direction is usually not nautical. Starboard, port, fore, aft, up, down, the inside and the outside are nautical.

Each room on the boat is declared as being nautical:

Cockpit, Saloon, Engine Room, etc are nautical. 

All shortcuts work (‘p’ for port, ‘s’ for starboard etc), except aft. I’ve said that ‘a’ is the shortcut. This is what happens when I first type ‘a’ and then try ‘aft’ for the first time:

What do you want to a?

There's no one here to talk to.


Engine Room
You are in the engine room

Any idea why this is happening and how to fix it?

It looks like “a” might be understood as a shortcut for asking it about, or some action like that - you could test it with ACTIONS and see what you get. That’s not something the standard rules do, so is that something you changed elsewhere, or are you perhaps using a conversation extension that might have added it?

(Without knowing the exact issue, I’m not 100% sure of the fix, but “Understand the command “a” as something new” before you define the new use of it as a shortcut for aft will likely work).

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That could make sense because this wasn’t a problem I had when I started the game. I suspect, as you do, that it’s coming from an extension, probably Conversation Responses and Conversation Suggestions by Eric Eve.

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Ah, yup, there it is, in the Conversation Framework extension that I presume is required for both of those:

Understand “ask about [text]” or “a [text]” as implicit-asking.

You can either delete that last bit from your version of the extension, or I think the “understand the command “a” as something new” idea I mentioned in my previous post should fix it, though I don’t use extensions much so I’m not positive whether you can override them the same way you can the standard rules.

I assume that if I place this new ‘understand ‘a’ as something new’ AFTER my extension declaration, my new rule takes priority (I’m assuming Inform compiles from top to bottom).

That’s in general how things work in Inform, so yeah, that’s the tack I’d take. But I’d test to make sure!

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