Print edition of the Twine Cookbook now available

I’m pleased to share the the Twine Cookbook now has a print edition! This edition has the same content as the web site, but it comes in a pleasingly browseable, no-internet-required form. It’s available for purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major booksellers, but you can also directly purchase it at a discount from IngramSpark, the print-on-demand service that the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation used to produce this edition. Use the link below for a discount through the end of the calendar year:

Proceeds from sales will go to the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation, which as you probably know, supports Twine and its community in a myriad of ways. The print edition has the same license as the web site, CC Attribution ShareAlike, and an EPUB version of the book can be downloaded from the main web site at no charge.


It’s print-on-demand ?

Personally, I think that this type of literature ought to be either hardcover or three-hole binder, albeit I admit that 20 years after, my hardcopy of DM4’s spine is in sound state…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Mine too. Layers of Scotch Tape is my friend. :wink:

QED. I enjoy hard copies. Thank you for the tip.