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As Juhana notes in another thread, the intention behind Vorple’s server requirement was mostly to avoid the risk of encountering possible browser restrictions on local files; but he also says that running it from a server is not strictly necessary: About that error running Vorple from file://*, does it actually have any teeth? - #2 by Juhana

The play.html file (which is generated when you release something for Vorple) checks whether it is running locally: if (location.protocol === "file:") and displays an error message if true. But you can edit play.html to delete the check and the error and try if your game works normally. I tried it out on a project of my own and on the “Serinette” music box example included with the extensions, and images were displayed and sounds played without a problem from the local filesystem (at least during a brief test in Firefox and Chrome, on Windows, using Inform 7 v10.1.2 and Vorple version 4.0.1).