Player Input Not Working Properly

I know I am going to get the standard coaching about hard coding player input but I am good with the way I am writing things. What I don’t understand is this -

If the player's command includes "Road" or the player's command includes "Rd": if Ciplak is inaccessible: if the player's command includes "Kumbin Road" or the player's command includes "Kumbin Rd":

If you type “Rd” by itself all of the mechanic listed below this bit of code work just fine. Typing “Kumbin Road” works just fine but typing “Kumbin Rd” gives this response -

>kumbin rd I didn't understand that sentence.

Why does it work one way but not the other?

Can you give the complete rule? Your example doesn’t compile by itself and it’s not clear what you’re doing with it.

This is a condensed version of the rule in question. It generally repeats for the other roads and includes a bunch of flag variables in the full version. This should run though.

If the player's command includes "Road" or the player's command includes "Rd": if Ciplak is inaccessible: if the player's command includes "Kumbin Road" or the player's command includes "Kumbin Rd": if boulevardfour is discovered: say "[line break]You should travel to [link]Soth Wst Fishta Blvd[end link] and head southwest from there."; otherwise if boulevardthree is discovered: say "[line break]You should travel to [link]Nrth Est Fishta Blvd[end link] and head southwest from there."; otherwise: say "[line break]Since you have not discovered the way to Kumbin Road you should choose a location in Shyn Market and continue your explorations from there."; follow the fastmoving shyn market rule; otherwise: if Ciplak is accessible: if the player's command includes "Kumbin" or the player's command includes "Kumbin Road" or the player's command includes "Kumbin Rd": now randomroad is off; if Ciplak is accessible: if upperkumbin road is discovered: move player to upperkumbin road; now randomroad is on; say "[line break]You leave the town of Ciplak for points southwest[line break]"; otherwise: if boulevardfour is discovered: move player to boulevardfour; now randomroad is on; say "Go southwest and you will be on Upper Kumbin Road."; otherwise: say "[line break]You must first discover Kumbin Road before you can use it to fast travel out of town."; follow the move to edge of town rule;

I assume this is the body of an “After reading a command:” rule. (It has to be the body of some rule.)

None of that code says “reject the player’s command”, so it will do nothing to interrupt normal parsing. You’ll always get a “not a verb I recognize” or some similar parser error unless you end with the “reject the player’s command” phrase.