Pass text from I7 to I6

I’m staring at the Standard Library and see all of these TEXT_TY functions…

but how do I exactly pass some text from I7 to I6?

I’ve been trying:

Include (-

[ CREATE_CHANNEL name contentName;
	print_ret "Name (",name,")";


[Banner is a channel. The name of banner is "banner". The content name of banner is "bannerText".]

When play begins:
	create channel "banner" with content name "bannerText".

To create channel (name - text) with content name (contentName - text):	
	(- CREATE_CHANNEL({-by-reference:name}, {-by-reference:contentName}); -).

…with any number of TEXT_TY functions around name, but all I get are numbers.

[ CREATE_CHANNEL name contentName;
	print_ret "Name (", (string) name-->1, "), ContentName (", (string) contentName-->1, ")";

Yeah I just figured that out.

Now to use these values in the rest of my code.

Do this:

[ CREATE_CHANNEL name contentName;
	print_ret "Name (", (TEXT_TY_Say) name,")";