Pas De Deux source code

As promised, here is the complete Dialog source code for Pas De Deux (Release 2).

Quoting the readme file:

On the whole, I have tried to write well-structured, clean and readable code. But my primary goal was to make a good game for IFComp—not necessarily to create a worked example of how to program in Dialog.

Feel free to browse around, learn, and copy useful snippets. To the extent that it is possible to separate code from narrative, all the code is free for everybody to use (as in public domain).

If you would like to release a derivative work involving a substantial part of the narrative, setting, or cast of characters, please get in touch first.

Happy hacking!


Neat, thanks for sharing! One thing I noticed: the README says “MIT license” but it’s actually the two-clause BSD.


Oops! Thanks for pointing this out so quickly. I have hot-fixed the zip, so it says “2-clause BSD” now. Normally I wouldn’t modify a published downloadable file (a release is a release), but in this case I think it eliminates more confusion than it creates.

The MIT and 2-clause BSD licenses are very similar in spirit, but there are some subtle differences (e.g. sublicensing).

Also, just to clarify the situation: The archive contains a copy of the Standard Library, which was already published under a 2-clause BSD license. That license text was reproduced correctly, but with the wrong name. The game code itself has no standard license, but there’s a note saying you can do what you want with the code, but not with the narrative, setting, or characters.


not a standard license, but more of a gentlemen’s agreement. I call it “Zarf license” because was Zarf to spell out this sort of license.

The core issue lies in the fact that in modern IF languages, code and assets are deeply bundled together, and OS licenses are tailored to the code, not assets.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

Yeah, I like doing this for free-to-play games. I doubt it would hold up in a serious legal argument but hobbyist IF has never gotten that serious.

(Hadean Lands is a commercial game, however low-revenue, so I haven’t put its source code online at all.)