ParserComp: Can the deities of the sky be satisfied with a demo version?

Hi! a quick question because I’m completely lost and don’t know what to do rn
There are less than 10 days left. I haven’t even started making my game. The story has four different modes and character POVs, and I can’t finish all of it before the deadline. However, I have been working on this story for several years (in other forms of art/games, not IF), and I can finish 1 mode and 1 POV before the deadline(hopefully). Also, there are other things like artwork and music that I cannot end in 10 days.
The question is:
Should I release a demo version (the best I can before the deadline), submit it to the jam, and release the full version as soon as possible?
Or should I give up this jam and release the game some other time?

I posted about my entry for ParserComp2022 here under the same name(BlackRaiinbow)

I have ADHD and work way better under pressure(aka deadlines). And I know there are other jams, but I have to start working on college apps soon, so I want to end this project before that.

Another P.S:
I plan to implement the game in python(basically make my own engine), and then make a web build. So the game will probably take more time since it’s not based on existing engines.


Yes. Not even a question. In ten days it would be pretty hard to make even a proof-of-concept prototype of your Python engine, much less get anywhere in implementing an actual story.

I’d suggest you reconsider this path and try one of the established parser game environments, like Inform or TADS. Not only do they save you the work of reinventing the wheel, they help you adhere to expected parser game conventions (of which there are many).


I would read this thread, as it’s asking a similar question and has a number of thoughtful responses.

Also, it’s highly recommended to beta test any game you submit to a comp, which takes time too.


This game sounds intriguing, but I’ll echo other suggestions re delay – there are lots of other comps with other deadlines to keep you motivated.

Re Python, I also agree that it’s good to be cautious on this front, since it can lead to a lot of work on the back end while also creating barriers to players on the front end (all the Python games I’ve played required fairly in-depth installation processes that more casual players might not be motivated to tackle). I have heard authors say they’ve found unique benefits from using it, though I’m not competent to evaluate those arguments. At any rate, there was a recent thread running through some of the discussion and including some resources and sample code that might be of use, so I’d definitely check that out before committing.


Hi Black!

I’m AZ from, the other “verbose” guy working in the “Syd Fox: Scotland Yard Detective From Outer Xpace” : )

I have too run out of time to make the game I would like, and people helped me to see that the best option was to pospone it. In your case, with so personal an special project I would say that is even more important to work on it lovingly and with enought time.

People making parsers knows that there is also a very enjoyable time working on it, not only in the game itself, being it THE REAL PUZZLE to solve : )

Take it easy, and ejoy!