Painting pictures

Hello. Not sure I’m posting the right place?

I’m trying to make it possible to paint a picture in inform and I’m struggling with something I’m sure I’ve had working previously…

Here is my code:

Art Room is a room. 

Painting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "paint [something]" as painting.

A picture is scenery in Art Room. 

Paintbrush is a thing in Art Room. Understand "brush" as Paintbrush.

Paper is a thing in art Room. Paper can be wet or dry. The Paper is dry.

Paint is a thing in Art Room.

Dipping is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "dip [something] in [something]" as dipping.

Instead of dipping the paintbrush:
	say "you dip the paintbrush in the paint and make some marks on the page. When you look down you are pleasently surprised by what you see.";
	now the Paper is wet.
Instead of Painting:
	say "you dip the paintbrush in the paint and make some marks on the page. When you look down you are pleasently surprised by what you see.";
	now the Paper is wet.
Instead of looking when Paper is wet, say "wow"

Inform still says there is nothing special about paper…what am I missing?

Thanks for the help!

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Looking and examining are different actions, but the look at command corresponds to the examining action.

Try replacing your instead rule with:

carry out examining the wet paper: say "wow."; 
now examine text printed is true

To clarify what Zed said about LOOK vs. EXAMINE: “looking” is what you do to get a room description. “Examining” is what you do to an object to get a description of the object. LOOK is different from LOOK AT/EXAMINE.

West of House
You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door.
There is a small mailbox here.

What do you want to examine?

The small mailbox is closed.

The small mailbox is closed.

That sentence isn’t one I recognize.


Ok. Great. Thanks…i’ll check that out!