Packaging Vorple game in an Electron shell?

Is there an easy way to package Vorple as a standalone executable, e.g. via Electron framework? Using it for web publishing is great, but you really need a proper executable if you want to publish it e.g. on Steam.

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I was actually wondering about this today. Would packaging Vorple in Electron work? Because the html files that Vorple outputs are not executable on their own, they need a local server to serve them through http. Does Electron provide a server besides the browser?

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The reason it needs HTTP is browser security features that don’t allow local execution of certain JS commands, while Electron doesn’t have those features by design (as it is made to integrate well with regular operating systems).


I see no reason this shouldn’t work. However, it might take some tweaking of Vorple, and all the “easy ways” to do Electron packaging are not very easy.


I did create a Vorple-in-Electron template years ago.

But it needs to be updated for the latest Electron, and I was a way worst programmer back in the time, so I don’t recommend using it as is, and I don’t really plan updating it it the near future.

Today I would maybe use Tauri instead of Electron, but in the end it doesn’t matter that much.