A test case came up when releasing a game.
I’ve noticed that having redundant “to say x” means the second will apply. In simple terms, this means:
to say x: say "1.";
to say x: say "2.";
when play begins: say "[x]";
So this says 2.
Similarly with to x:
to x: say "3.";
to x: say "4.";
when play begins: x;
This says 4.
The test case here is, I have to wfak: if debug-state is true, wait for any key;
in an extension.
This lets me create a debug binary that works with Zarf’s regtest.py without json. (e.g. it waits for a cursor to type in text). However, it freezes up in release mode, due to the “wait for any key.”
So I’ve created a parallel project I build from the command line, with to wfak: do nothing;
tacked on at the end.
This seems to work well. I’m able to test a release build with simple applications of Zarf’s regtest. (I note it’s possible with json to react to wait for any key, but I am not ready to deal with that.)
But my question is: is there anything about redefining to x/to say x
that would destabilize Inform?