I have a room called ‘another office’. When I used a DTPM rule to favour it less than the regular ‘office’, typing ‘go to another’ suddenly tried to go to a utility room I never even want the player to know exists.
This made me tighten up how I define allowed targets for the GO TO action, but the problem of what other/another is remains. I mean, now if I type ‘go to another’, it offers up a pretty random choice of room from earlier in the game.
What does other/another actually do? Can I bonk this token on the head, or helpfully half-bonk it on the head?
Yep, I believe the modern way to excise it would be
Include (-
Constant OTHER1__WD = '..';
-) replacing "OTHER1__WD".
Include (-
Constant OTHER2__WD = '..';
-) replacing "OTHER2__WD".
Include (-
Constant OTHER3__WD = '..';
-) replacing "OTHER3__WD".
There will be no real drawbacks. It’s one of the old fossils left in the parser despite no longer being useful, just because it hasn’t been thoroughly refactored since before I was born. So it’s accumulated a lot of little vestigial quirks that don’t really do anything now except occasionally get in the way.