Odd, recurring PM notification


I keep being notified that I’ve received a PM, but when I look it says something like “3 replies Conversation in Inform”. When I click on this topic it says “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.”

This has been going on for months now. It’s only a minor annoyance but I had a spare couple of minutes so I thought I’d report it.

This seems to be the issue:

Are you not able to dismiss the notification?

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I was wondering about that - it sounds as though a user can be @ mentioned in a PM they don’t have access to and they are notified but can’t access to read it? Dismissing the notification from the drop down should work.

If it continues, I wonder if it might work to disable PM notifications, refresh the webpage (so hopefully the notification goes away, maybe close and re-open the forum) then re-enable notifications?

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