New Year Resolutions?

I would like to be nicer. To myself, to others.

Perhaps I should try mid-year resolutions. By the end of the holidays, I’m really too tired to come up with much.


I’m not going to serve food (other than water, tea, packaged food) for that reason. Apparently some cat cafes only have a fridge with canned drinks, which honestly makes sense because… kittens.


Kagami mochi? Meow?


I love reading about everyone’s hopes and goals so far. Thank you for sharing @everyone! :blue_heart:

I have two main goals.

Firstly I want to complete my current IF work. I started planning in December 2022, but put it aside for 8 months due to life. I am working on it again, and should have something testable before the 2025 clock strikes. It’s by far my most ambitious project, designing and putting every detail on paper before any code is written. :grin:

Secondly, I need to make a friend. Just one will do. I moved to another country, and sixty days later covid hit. It made meeting people all the more difficult. I was also reeling from a recent loss, devastated and afraid to open up to strangers or new experiences, which didn’t help matters. Somehow I need to escape this void of not socializing and make a friend :grin:

Wishing @everyone here a prosperous 2024 and the best of success with your goals!


I’ve done it! It’s so simple, I should’ve done it long time ago. Well, it does require 2 terminal shells.

Now, to download PunyBuild + Inform6 since I now have a 64bit system. Reluctantly dragged onto the future!


Here’s an updated version that is only 1 shell process.

Hint: if you’re doing Nanowrimo and depend on word count, then you want to use wc -w, and you can skip the fold command as well!

Ctrl-d to terminate input mode and back to shell.

Maybe I should stop tweaking this thing, but here’s the Nanowrimo version for slow computers that does not depend on repeatedly running wc on the whole file. This one uses arithmetic.

You can use fold piped to wc -l if you want to count by lines instead of by words.