New short Ink game. The Fairi Affair: A tale of Inverted Edinburgh

Hey y’all, I taught myself the basics of Ink last week and decided to make a wee game in it and I’m surprisingly happy with the result.

It’s a short (under half hour) game set in a fantastical version of late 19th century Edinburgh, a city that has been, literally, turned upside down. But mostly it’s a pastiche of Fallen London.

Here’s the link if anyone is interested: The Fairi Affair: A tale of Inverted Edinburgh by Akinis

(In other news, my IFcomp entry ‘The Last Night of Alexisgrad’ is also now on my Itch, and should (if I haven’t horribly broken the coding) be more easily playable as a single player experience.)


I’m always endlessly fascinated with Ink games precisely because they (can) look so attractive on the screen. Unfortunately for my weak eyes, that light gray font is just a bit too lost in the white background.

Looks pretty interesting, though!

If you press ‘theme’ in the top right hand corner it will change to a dark mode. That should also save your preference for every other ink game you play in the same browser.

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That was fun! A nice adventure for my mostly Midgie self. Good job, Milo!

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