New here, trying to get started on my first IF

OMG you’ve just described the problems I’ve been having with someone’s game.
It’s a gain and loose points game (pickups).

Right away you see a motorcycle.
Get on the motorcycle for 50 points and go north.
You can’t go in any other direction than north.
Now you have a choice of east or west.
After a series of directions, after either choice, I got stuck.
To the west was a car I could switch to, but I couldn’t move.
To the east was a hill leading to a track, but I could not go on.

I found out when I was riding the motorcycle, it told me I was walking with it.
This means I could take it indoors, but not on the second floor.

I probably got an older version of it, but I think like you he just got lazy and finished it too early (his spelling wasn’t great either).

I’d also like to ask if maybe this is a misunderstanding of the scene mechanic? Try not to think of a scene as a place or as something like a “set”. A scene is more like a series of events that takes place based on certain factors. So initially, you may have a scene called “Before the Murder” and then a scene “After the Murder”. But the player won’t be “going back” to the scene in the sense of being the scene of a crime or anything like that. They would complete the “Before the Murder” scene (or not) and then later come back to the same location (or not) for a different scene called “After the Murder”.

A scene is really just a flag that turns itself on or off at certain times. You can have things happen when a scene begins or ends, and you can check if a scene is currently happening. That’s about it.