how do i download inform 6? i need an exact guide
if you need detailed installation instructions you should specify the platform (windows, mac, linux).
What kind of computer do you have?
For what platform?
First you need the compiler.
The source code for the compiler is maintained on github by @DavidK and there are binaries available to download for Windows of all official releases (latest is 6.42). IF Archive have some binaries for other platforms, or you could compile your own from source.
Then you’ll need a library (if you’re not planning on writing your own) that have code to handle parser input, grammar and so on.
The latest standard library (6.12.7) is here but you can also use the PunyInform library if you are aiming for a retro platform with your game.
windows 11, no admin access
You don’t need to be admin but Inform6 is a command line tool so you’ll need to be able to open command window (type cmd
in the win11 searchbox (lower left) and try to open the program).
(Inform642_win32 will work on Win11.)
i can do that. Basically i downloaded the beginners guide, a compiler, and some other stuff. but im not sure what to do first
Ok, but im not sure how to run it
You said that you’d downloaded the Inform 6 beginner’s guide. Chapter 2 of the guide explains quite a lot about how the program works and the section “Inform on an IBM PC” (which includes Windows PCs; that part might not be obvious) has a step-by-step set of instructions to follow. Have you looked at those?
The download structure is different, but I’ll look at it again