My IFCOMP 2021 Short List

This is just my initial skim of the entries. If you aren’t in here, please don’t take it personally. It just means I don’t know your work very well. I most likely will hit every entry as long as it works on my Mac.

4x4 Archipelago by Agnieszka Trzaska
The Dead Account and Weird Grief by Naomi Norbez
Fine Felines by Felicity Banks
Fourbyfourian Quarryin’ by Andrew Schultz
Grandma Bethlinda’s Remarkable Egg by Arthur DiBianca
How it was then and how it is now by Pseudavid
Mermaids of Ganymede by Paxton
A Papal Summons, or The Church Cat by Bitter Karella
Sting by Mike Russo


Playing Sting right now. It’s wonderful.


Mike Russo is the next new IF author to watch. Funny, brilliant, a great writer and a staunch supporter of the IF community. The only thing I like better than his games are his reviews. But both are great.


You guys. Y’all are way way too kind!

(I have a waking baby next to me so I’m just briefly checking the forum and can’t say anything more, but this was a lovely thread to bump into!)


And I finished Sting, and now I’m in tears. The game is totally unique, and the story is quietly devastating and beautiful.
Thanks for sharing all that, Mike. I’m going to go have a glass of wine and think about it, and about you.


Who’s excited about Arthur DiBianca’s new Grandma Bethlinda game?

I know I am!

Checking it out right now.


I’m in. Grandma Bethlinda is on my short list.

Fair enough. I’m definitely checking it out next.

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Art is one of my all time favorite author.

SO excited to check out his new game.

That’s great! And yeah, Amanda’s response I think makes total sense (and is pretty much as intended). Also FYI, I just uploaded an update that fixes a potential bug that can leave the player stuck in an unending bee attack, so best to play that version!


Had a moment of extreme reality confusion when a local FaceBook group here in Canberra reported a swarm of bees.


I apologize to @AmandaB and @DeusIrae for that earlier post. My joke was completely uncalled for. I hope you both can forgive me for my callous behavior.

I have removed it from this posting.

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No worries. It’s normal to feel light-hearted on Comp release day!


Yeah, no worries, it’s all good!

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