Must play horror games?

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I put my horror game Necrotic Drift up on a while ago. Please forgive the self-promotion as I post a link to see if it shows up with that nice box:


Some of my favorites that haven’t been mentioned:

And—if you’ll forgive the self-promotion—I’ve written several well-regarded horror games myself.


I’m surprised nobody mentioned Body Bargain or Ecdysis which were the first that came to mind for me. Afflicted for horror-comedy.


Theatre is pretty old (1995) but is still quite good.


1000% upvoting Eat Me - it’s very easy to play but fantastic in every way! (It’s also my favourite IF piece…)

This one is absolutely amazing too, but it does take like, weeks of playing to finish it because so much of it is disconnected and you may spend a long time getting lost.

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You can think of Cragne Manor as ~85 interconnected mini games. Some take a few minutes, some are more extensive. One includes an extensive conversation with the word count of a small novella. Some are fiendish puzzles, and a certain number were planned out to require an object from another room. There are locations that you can’t get to without a key or by solving other puzzles.

It is a major accomplishment if you finish the insanity that is Cragne Manor (or even make it inside the actual house!)


I can’t believe nobody’s mentioned Suspended yet. The game mechanics are not especially horror-ble, but the scenario and consequences certainly are.


Oooh, but that one’s way too difficult without a walkthrough. I’d say it’s not quite horror, though it is fantastic.

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  • You’re living your utopian life. Tra la, tra lay. Things are fine for everyone all the time, except on those rare occasions when the automated systems which run the world are subverted and people are killed by malfunctioning moving walkways, robotaxis, and weather control systems.
  • You get a letter telling you that your life as you know it is over and you’re about to be sealed in a cryogenic chamber hooked up to computers for the next 500 years.
  • The people doing this to you call it an “honor” and say you’re the “winner” of the “lottery.”

Scares me, anyway.


It’s horror.

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16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonalds.

It’s not played for pure horror, more like comedy-drama – something like Buffy the Vampire Slayer – but there are plenty of disturbing bits. Just like Buffy.

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When you put it like that, it’s definitely horror. Or at least, the backstory certainly is.

Horror is my favourite genre.