That looks like something that might be handled by my new Actions on Groups extension, which is at Github here. (Get the extension from Github–the one posted in the thread is an older version.) I’m not sure exactly what behavior Jon’s extension provided (it’s a bit early in the morning for me to try to work it out), but here’s what I’d do with Actions on Groups, with the extension-specific code clustered at the beginning:
[code]“Duck Soup” by “John G. Wood”
Include Actions on Groups by Matt Weiner.
Examining is groupable action. Understand “examine [things]” as examining.
Action on groups rule for examining when dealing only with Marx brothers:
say “Those crazy people! No wait, that was what the Goons originally called themselves.”
Freedonia is a room. “Land of the Spree, and the Home of the Knave.”
A Marx Brother is a kind of man.
Understand “marx”, “brother” as a Marx Brother.
Understand “brothers” as the plural of Marx Brother.
Before listing contents: group Marx Brothers together.
Before grouping together Marx Brothers when the listing group size is 4, say “the famous Marx Brothers (”.
Before grouping together Marx Brothers when the listing group size is less than 4, say “[listing group size in words] of the famous Marx Brothers (”.
After grouping together Marx Brothers, say “)”.
Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo are Marx Brothers in Freedonia.
The description of Groucho is “The moustachioed one.”
The description of Harpo is “The silent one.”
The description of Chico is “The one with the accent.”
The description of Zeppo is “The straight man.”
Margaret Dumont is a woman in Freedonia. The description of Margaret is “A stoutish woman, she seems worried that someone might tear her down and put up an office building.”[/code]
Unlike Multi-examine this extension doesn’t define anything as groupable action out of the box, so you need to explicitly define that–but otherwise it’s simply a matter of writing a rule rather than specifying a group description property. And if you want a backstop that prevents the player from examining things that don’t fall into a group, which Jon’s extension seems to do, all you need to do is add:
Examining is group-only action.
and customize the can’t use undesignated groups rule response (A).
(Warning: This is a brand new extension and not much tested. Please let me know if you find any bugs or need any help with it!)