Moondrop Isle is open for visitors

The Third Quadrennial Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction invites you to visit MOONDROP ISLE.


Happy birthday, Ryan!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!

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Thank you! But this thread is about Moondrop Isle.

Moondrop Isle is a collaborative interactive place-game-story-thing featuring the work of Nils Fagerburg, Joey Jones, Zach Hodgens, Jason Love, Mark Marino, Carl Muckenhoupt, Sarah Willson, and Caleb Wilson.

At some point in time, we were planning to have it all finished up in time for the traditional February 29th opening of the Exposition. Or, we said that was the plan, but I think we knew all along how this sort of thing works.

When it’s released at the end of May, I think you’ll find it VERY ENJOYABLE.


Happy birthday to you, Brian.


Wow! What a stellar cast of authors. Can’t wait!


I didn’t know this year was closed entry! I always have looked forward to submitting entries in the past, so I’m sad to miss out on the mini-jams, but I’m looking forward to the final product!


Without spoiling anything, I can confirm that this is going to be something very special indeed.


How hyped should I be for Moondrop Isle? Exceedingly.

Is there an isle in the game, Moondrop Isle? Indubitably.

Will it be Good Interactive Fiction? Exquisitely.


Moondrop Isle is ready for you to visit!


Is there a way to save transcripts?


>download transcript


from the description of the monorail platform and its tracks, seems that there’s an inconsistency: the description of the platform is that is surrounded on three sides by broken plastic sheets implying a terminus, then the tracks are disappearing into darkness in both directions. this implies a through station…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

How is that inconsistent? That’s a fairly common design for train platforms, isn’t it?


Thanks. I was just doing transcript off but no download.

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gha. Lost in translation, seems.

(In Italian, platform and track are synonyms, believe it or not; it’s an aspect of the implicit nature of Italian; if a stationmaster points you toward “binario 5” s/he means “the platform alongside track 5” not the track 5 itself. I’m sure that no one, even a foreigner, mistook the direction given…)

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

ps. now that I think on, this is a forum also of coders, so a friendly warning: “binario” in Italian means also binary so please, don’t get the classical mistake between 2 decimal and 10 binary when getting directions inside Italian station…

also beware that remnant of the Kingdom of the two Sicilies between Naples and the Volturno river, the track/platform/binario 1 is NOT toward/up to the capital (Rome), but in the direction the former capital of the two sicilies (Naples, in the opposite direction…) an anomaly on the Naples-Rome mainline since 1870…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


So anyway, this is one of my favorite recent IF games! It feels really Zorkian, while also feeling kind of like a Myst game (I get Riven vibes from several fronts). Congrats on the release!


It’s really, really big, with lots of cool and interesting puzzles as well as mysteries.

I’m loving it!


enter armoire shows you the room description and then you immediately exit: you have to go west to sucessfully get in there. Minor bug, but I thought it was a puzzle for… uh… quite a while.

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Also, is the south door in the golf clubhouse tunnel supposed to re-lock itself every time I leave the area? The first time I unlocked it, I thought it was going to be a permanent shortcut.