Moondrop Isle hint thread

Hah. Half of my getting stuck in this game is “I thought I already tried that.”

Anyone who’s done the golf course… are there in-game clues that are supposed to lead me in the right direction, or am I just supposed to be brute-forcing this? Because boy, does that get painful fast.

Edit: gah. I got it by brute force, but it’s just an alternate route to a thing I’d already done the easy way. I think? No way to verify. No wait, go back to my oldest save. Yup.

I did the same thing yesterday. I tried using the aiming mechanic and changing clubs but I didn’t enjoy it. I also don’t like actual golf. The best thing I found was that “get ball” resets the hole if you realize it’s a lost-cause.

Hotel: I’ve spent most of today banging my head on climbing the tree if anybody has a hint.

If you’re not sure what to do, there’s probably something else you have to do elsewhere in the hotel first.

I’ve got it now. I also had to submit a bug report in the other thread because I kept getting error messages. I think it didn’t register one of the steps I took until and I had to leave the game and re-do it.

I also opened the fire escape with the shovel, but it was clued when I tried to open the fire escape from atop a table with no tool… Didn’t realize I could have done that from the ground…

Just finished the game and got a new perspective :slight_smile:


I also finished. Some post-game things:

People talked about a UFO plush (correction, toy) that I didn’t find.
I know the roan guinea pig can lead me to treasure but I haven’t found it since I learned that.
Can I move the machine in the mutlipurpose room in the golf area blocking the door?
Can I open the door on the hidden platform into the clubhouse/get inside there at all?
Nobody found a password for the safe in the shed, right?
The 3 leftover ticket prizes are just stuck there, right?
Once we had power back I tried putting the OK Soda in a working fridge but it was “too important”
I never got Vision Quest to work. I tried looking at it through the scope but the game would just end.
Should I have tried giving/showing things to Melody when I had the chance?

UFO plush or UFO toy? I found a metal toy flying saucer UFO in the tunnels - more specifically in the room with the chair.

In the redemption machine? The only thing left in mine is the guinea pig plushie.

I never got Vision Quest to work either, but I am curious about how you got the soda.

It’s been a while but I think it was inside the refrigerator in the burned building. Try waving your detector at the ash then digging if you didn’t find that yet.

Still no luck on the UFO toy. Or finding the roan guinea pig and the treasure it leads to. Assuming it’s something I don’t already have.

UFO toy: Eerie tunnel, with the office chair: the way you get it is very trippy, as Stephen said.

  • Does the room description suggest any action?

  • Does the chair suggest any action?

  • Do it for a while

  • full solution: sit on the chair and listen for a bit, then listen to the UFO until it becomes real.

I’m pretty well stuck again. No idea where the scope might be (I thought it would be in the mall? I’m probably just missing examining some item). Also stuck getting past the third floor of the hotel: I assume I’m supposed to find the key to the elevator (in the lockers?) but not sure where I haven’t looked for clues to that or if I’m just supposed to brute-force stuff even more than I have? I have all but five or six of the IDs for the employees on the list on the printer: I’m not finding codes for the Wards or anything. And the water park: seems like there are four valves just inside the four gates, plus the intake/outflow valves underneath but I haven’t really managed to make them do anything different yet. Can I somehow fix the broken pipe halfway up the water slide?. And I think I need two more letters (N, A? Can’t remember. Toward the top) in the arcade. Took me way too long to realize I had to hang them myself: I was sure Renzo was going to do it, since he just shows up and snatches them from you.. And then there’s the glyphs, which I assume there’s an item for? But no idea where that might be.

So yeah. Several open puzzles but I feel pretty totally stuck on all of them.

Focus on this puzzle and most of the rest will lead on.
N: you get this in a very similar way to another letter you seem to have already got
A: I seem to recall you remarking the monorail didn’t seem to unlock much, but I don’t think that’s quite right

Gah, sorry, I was wrong about which ones I had.

Ah, right, the monorail unlocked the letter A that was stuck in the elevator, right? I didn’t think that was important because I hadn’t found any other letters. “You can also see five huge letters (a letter A, a letter D, a letter N, a letter C and a letter L) here.”

The C can be turned to be a U, but then I’d need another C, I guess? Oh. Oh! I can climb past letters and then pick them up, I bet.

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Yup. How did I miss that. Cool! I guess I didn’t realize I could pick up multiple letters at once because it was acting like each single one was extremely heavy


I got stuck on the same thing until I was like “well, there’s no other way I see to do it so let’s try”

For the the thing you just clued me on: I tried making noise and I tried listening but it didn’t occur to me to “listen to echo” specifically.

And I finally found the roan guinea pig: she led me to a Guinea Pigs Film Reel.


Post game: I just found maybe my favorite thing in the game so far:

x new perspective
It's hard to explain.
Oreo looks at you like you're some kind of dork.
The brown guinea pig looks at the new perspective too.

No brute-forcing is necessary in the hotel! Everything important can be deduced from what’s available.

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Hmm. I’m lost then: can I get a nudge? I could swear I’ve looked everywhere except I’m not sure I’ve searched all the numbered rooms? But I’m pretty sure there was a message that seemed sincere about that being a waste of time.

employee IDs
  • Barnes, Juanita - JBAR93CAF - Lounge chalkboard says she’s your bartender
  • Brown, Michael
  • Cook, Terri - TCOO95CAF - sign in cafe
  • French, Monica - MFRE96FRO
  • Greer, Donna
  • Harvey, James
  • Jackson, Willow - WJAC98HOU
  • Luo, Joseph
  • Navarro, Tania - TNAV92HOU
  • O’Neil, Lori - LONE96FRO
  • Rivers, Michael
  • Sanders, Taylor - TSAN99HOU
  • Scott, Eilene - ESCO95HOU
  • Sussman, Nathaniel - NSUS89CAF
  • Vance, Leslie - LVAN98LAU - from ID card in Laundry in basement.
  • Weeks, Mary - MWEE90HOU - Men’s room sign serviced MW 2/18/2001 - nothing
  • Wells, Robin - RWEL98HCAF
  • Wells, Rowena - RWEL96CAF - gives musical keychain
  • Wilson, Kenneth
  • Jamila King - JKIN00FRO - in pencil, so we know 00, nothing in locker

Yep, you’ve found everything—it’s just a matter of figuring out what you need to know, specifically who would have the thing you want and then what their name might be.

So I think I’m stuck on the (last two?) kiosks.

On the right side of the isle, I’ve gotten colors, numbers, shapes and directions. I’m stumped on the next one - it seems to involve sequential commands (press button x and something something direction), but I’ve yet to get the second click to succeed. On the left side, I’ve gotten up to the kiosk that requires Moondrop-ese.

Can anyone give me a tip for the right kiosk? I’m not sure what I’m aiming for.

For the mall bookstore, should the bookshelf do anything? I think I’ve got the books in the correct locations (two don’t fit), but I’ve not gotten a response yet from the bookshelf.