Manon's Reviews Rewind: Ectocomp [31/Back!], Partim500 [DONE*],

Dark Waters on the Night Shift, by Deborah Sherwood

Play the Game - Twine (SugarCube)
Le Grand Guignol - also beta’d this game!

Dark Waters on the Night Shift is a spooky puzzle game made in Twine, where shenanigans happen on your night shift at a sewer plant. You play as Oscar, a regular guy working alone at the plant on Halloween. Expecting some teenagers and their tricks, it is a succubus, Lucciana, that come entertain your night (and, in passing, literally bring hell to the plant). In order to resolve the sudden chaos, and put down the fire, a friendly ghost comes to help (turns out to be some poor soul who had died at work some Halloween’s ago, probably because of Lucciana).

The game provides a fun playground to explore and interact with, as the access to the different parts of the sewer plant changes with Lucciana’s interference. The larger puzzle itself isn’t too complicated, it’s traversing the map that will be the most challenging. There are multiple locations and levels you need to take into account, especially as soon as you use the remote. I screenshot the map* before diving into the cart to make things easier on myself (and it did help!).
*Fun fact, which I realised when I beta tested: the map is an SVG element, made completely from scratch!

What worked the best for me was the descriptions of the plat itself, especially as it changed throughout the game. The acid fumes turning into hellish flames or the cool water in the tanks (which hurt me to waste… but that’s for a good cause). Created a really nice horror ambiance and a sense of urgency (the fire, obviously and the countdown, even if you actually have enough time).

It was fun to replay the game and see what had changed compared to the beta, like what was added and removed.