Play the game - ChoiceScript
La Petite Mort
The Depths of Madness is a short horror piece made in ChoiceScript inspired by “The Call of Cthulhu” from Lovecraft. After receiving in a hurry the research of a now-passed coworker, you delve into one of the tome just before going to sleep. The research deals with the occult, particularly the myth of Cthulhu. It is, obviously, unwise to fall asleep with that kind of reading on your lap (unless you like thrills… or nightmares!).
So you fall (or more like sink) into the depths of a dark body of water, of which you do not see the end. The decent towards the bottom, where shadows still catch you unaware, is pretty oppressing - there’s no way but down. Only madness accompanying you. Here, the inspiration from Lovecraft is clear, and the writing does a good job at conveying this otherwordly horror.
Since the game provides you with choice at multiple point during the story, I got curious to what other paths would bring me (as I played essentially a rational chicken the first time around). It was a bit disappointing to find that few of the choices really did something, only there to provide and illusion of choice (which, is fair, you can’t really refuse the call of Cthulhu). It is most obvious with the final choice, bringing the abrupt ending.
On the other hand, the choice of palette and imagery for the interface was well done. The dark theme and ocean greens add some depth to the atmosphere.
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Play the Game - Twine (SugarCube)
Le Grand Guignol - also beta’d this game!
Dark Waters on the Night Shift is a spooky puzzle game made in Twine, where shenanigans happen on your night shift at a sewer plant. You play as Oscar, a regular guy working alone at the plant on Halloween. Expecting some teenagers and their tricks, it is a succubus, Lucciana, that come entertain your night (and, in passing, literally bring hell to the plant). In order to resolve the sudden chaos, and put down the fire, a friendly ghost comes to help (turns out to be some poor soul who had died at work some Halloween’s ago, probably because of Lucciana).
The game provides a fun playground to explore and interact with, as the access to the different parts of the sewer plant changes with Lucciana’s interference. The larger puzzle itself isn’t too complicated, it’s traversing the map that will be the most challenging. There are multiple locations and levels you need to take into account, especially as soon as you use the remote. I screenshot the map* before diving into the cart to make things easier on myself (and it did help!).
*Fun fact, which I realised when I beta tested: the map is an SVG element, made completely from scratch!
What worked the best for me was the descriptions of the plat itself, especially as it changed throughout the game. The acid fumes turning into hellish flames or the cool water in the tanks (which hurt me to waste… but that’s for a good cause). Created a really nice horror ambiance and a sense of urgency (the fire, obviously and the countdown, even if you actually have enough time).
It was fun to replay the game and see what had changed compared to the beta, like what was added and removed.
Play the Game - Twine (Harlowe)
La Petite Mort
Forevermore: A Game of Writing Horror is a poetic Twine game in which you play as famous brooder Edgar Allen Poe, in search for inspiration for his newest poem. Except, he’s having a hard time staying on track, lacking the words and feelings for his pen to translate to paper. And distractions keep breaking his flow, when he finally gets it. There are five different endings, which the game tracks for you, and you can keep the stanza you created then too (some of them are pretty hilarious).
It’s pretty funny to see the contrast between the Brooder-in-Charge struggling to get into the mood, especially when you learn a bit more about his life. It feel a bit too fake: you practice the occult with a plaster skull, your dark study where you brood has been cleaned a bit too well by your maid (yes, a thick layer of dust is needed for the ambiance, you see), and you’re living a pretty cushioned life (a nice little cottage and a maid that cares for you). Truly, the fresh scones and tea do not bring upon the so needed ravens.
Overall, it’s a really fun game with a good sense of humour. And it’s especially fun replaying it, to find the other poems/endings (I got the “bad” ones first which were hilarious). Seeing the ChoiceScript-like stats bar on top of the screen change as you try to brood or enjoy the day.
Been sick as a dog… Let’s slowly get back to it! Also lol, only parsers left in the LGG category.
Play the Game - Inform 7
Le Grand Guignol
Museum of Paranormal Phenomena is a relatively short parser made as an homage to the movie Ghostbusters. In the game, you visit the titular museum, whose rooms are decorated like scenes in the movie. Except some things seem out of place or missing. And Slimer keeps roaming around. You end the game by returning the rooms to their counterpart scenes. Knowledge of the movie isn’t really required to complete the game (though it will help with speed), as the game only accepts one specific item in each room.
As is, it’s a fine fetch-puzzle game, which is well built and without issue. But it didn’t do much for me. It’s definitely a game that plays on the nostalgia factor (hinting about the referenced movie at the start without explicitly mentioning it. So if you’re not familiar with the movie (or if you don’t enjoy it), the whole nudge-nudge-wink-wink will fall flat for you. The idea of having cleaning up the museum is neat, and I weirdly wondered when each room would come to life (or have some actual paranormal activities).
Transcript: MOPP-transcript.txt (16.2 KB)
Play the game - Inform 7
La Petite Mort
An Admirer is a horror conversational parser, in which a immaterial presence really really wants to talk to you, whether you want it or not. The conversation is mainly non-linear: you enter actions or keywords to get different bits of text (and open more topics). It is not always clear how much you can actually progress in the game, and how to reach anything but the mandated ending when inputting QUIT.
This might be one of the creepiest game I’ve played in a while. You can’t get away from the creepy voice that insists upon itself (no movement) nor can you really fight it (it’s not physically there) - only endure what it wants to tell you, all that it knows about you from watching you (on point with the stalker vibes), all the feelings it has for you, the made-up scenarios about you. It really felt that creepy, from the way the voice talks about you, how it is so sure it knows you, inside and out. Creepier still is what it wishes from you, what it plans for you. Escalating bit by bit, every time it slips up (feels on purpose) until you can’t take it any more and input QUIT to stop the madness.
This was wholeheartedly unpleasant, but in a good way. Skin crawling experience with a surprisingly responsive chat-bot.
It reminded me of a more creepy version of Every Breath You Take by the Police, and Silence of the Lamb lol.
Transcript: An Admirer.txt (9.1 KB)