So, it’s been yonks since I’ve played any IF, but I got pulled back into things a bit when I joined the Cragne Manor project, and then got pulled onto this forum when Mike Russo did his ‘Let’s Play’ of it. And then I had some spare time, so I figured, why not?
I assume that these reviews are going to be sort of old school in their outlook (I mean, my one major game was written in 1997), which mostly means two things: one, I’m going to be looking for more interactivity rather than less, and two, I am WAY TOO OLD for angst. Even when I was young enough for angst it was never particularly my jam. Hmm, maybe this is less about being old school and more about me being me. Anyway: anything angsty is going to have a harder hill to climb to get me hooked, and anything with limited interactivity is going to have me asking ‘why am I not reading this in short story form?’
But even those are, I feel, somewhat minor biases: both would probably adjust my own score up or down a couple points max.
More important to me are two things:
- The author should have something to say. Ideally, it will be something interesting and/or novel.
- I should have something to do. Ideally, that activity should help draw me in, and be enjoyable.
So that’s the perspective I’ll be starting from as I write the reviews! I’ll try to be fair and honest, but if I say something mean about your game, you should ignore it because I don’t know what I’m talking about and the game wasn’t written for me anyway. I’m just trying to explain my own perspective.
Also, I’m going to be circumspect when I can, but generally, I’m not going to worry about spoilers, so consider all of these reviews to contain spoilers. Ahoy!
(Also, I’m playing the games in the order the randomizer gives them to me, as this is the One True Way to judge the comp don’t tell me otherwise la la la la la i can’t hear you.)
To Persist/Exist/Endure, Press 1
Into The Sun
U.S. Route 160
Under The Bridge
Low-Key Learny Jokey Journey
Traveller’s Log
A Chinese Room
A Walk Around The Neighborhood
Lazy Wizard’s Guide
The Thirty Nine Steps
The Thick Table Tavern
Nose Bleed
Chase The Sun
Admiration Point
Lost at the Market
Who Shot Gum E. Bear?
The Archivist and the Revolution
Zero Chance of Recovery
At this point, the comp ended. But I’m still playing and reviewing things, so onward!
The Princess of Vestria
Jungle Adventure
The Hidden King’s Tomb
Approaching Horde
The Alchemist
The Grown-Up Detective Agency
One Final Pitbull Song (at the End of the World)