Lost games?

I’m looking for some games that have been «lost». Feel free to add yours to the thread

  • After-Words - missing files (online tables?)
    • Seems to be accessible through the IfArchive, but the game used to connect to files hosted in Airtable. They changed their API and the game doesn’t start after the first image.
  • Planet C - Does anyone have a copy of this? Partially recovered (missing pictures)



Edit: I have edit and moved the post

The IFComp website still links an email address for Planet C (and a Twitter, but the account has been deleted), maybe the author could be contacted directly? (unless you’ve already done that, in case please disregard!)

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I can confirm that Planet C was never on the Wayback Machine to begin with—I checked a little while ago to see if I could find it archived anywhere and it wasn’t.

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Thanks @EJoyce for the confirmation.
@manonamora good call, I’ve sent an email.

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If you look at the page with the Inspect tool, you can get some URLs about the icons/images. Seems like they were packaged with the HTML/game file, but Airtable makes them invisible somehow. I don’t think it can be fixed without the author editing the game itself (or giving the source code hosted on Airtable?).

Seems like the author entered the IFComp twice: in 2021 (with After-Words - contact info connected to a Twitter Account that hasn’t been used in a while), and in 2017 (with Domestic Elementalism connected to an email address).
According to the Twitter account, the author is(was?) working on a big project, with progress shared on this other account. This is linked to a website (this one) which has a contact form (and an email address! which is different to the IFComp one).
Note: there has not been any update since less 2023, so email might be your best shot there.

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It looks the access to the Airtable is broken and the game data is, therefore, inaccessible.
You are a great detective and I’ve managed to send a contact form. Let’s see