Looking for IF Beta Testers on Android


infiction.org community and fellow Interactive Fiction enthusiasts! :smiley: For the past four years I have been working on my Android Interactive Fiction App, which is about to be released and in its final beta phase. Therefore I am currently looking for feedback outside my bubble and would be glad to hear what you think about it! :smiley:

In essence it is a philosophically focused, choose your own adventure messenger role playing game, called: Infinity Station - Fragments of total expediency.

You can play the whole game, which is roughly (depending on the chosen path) up to 3h long. I am more than happy to hear about your first impressions too, if you do not want to invest that much time. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you are interested and would like to hear and see more just visit my website: https://emotionlabs.wixsite.com/infinitystation. You will find additional information, screenshots, a video, and a direct link to the playstore download page for android devices.

Thanks! :grin:


Ok, I’m on it.

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Thank you, happy to hear! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I play only in a n Android tablet.

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Hehe, I can imagine that the layout may look somehow stretched. I mostly developed it on a smartphone in portrait mode, it should work however? Makes your perspective very interesting. :smiley:

This should be fun. I have an Android as a backup phone. I installed the app and will give it a try this weekend.

I’m a RailFan!!!

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I prefer playing lanscape mode becouse I play in a tablet.
I have played more than two hours and I really like this game.

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There’s more rail images inside the game :smiley:. Happy to hear that you will give it a try and am excited how you like it!

Do you think that an option setting, switching all layouts to landscape mode, would suffice?

That really means a lot to me. Thanks for your support! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Usually when you turn the phone/tablet screens swith between portrait/landscape mode. A few apps works only in portrait mode.
I don’t know how this game works.

  • Jade.
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Yes, auto switching is the default setting when coding with android studio. I locked some of the activities (screens) to portrait however (especially the chat screen). The reason is, that switching from portrait to landscape and vice versa causes reloading the activity (or screen). My graph database handling has a lot of async background tasks running fetching this or that or handling music. Auto switching thus resulted in a lot of crashes.
Adressing this from scratch would render a solution, which I didn’t think of back then. :grin:

An option setting or maybe asking right after the installation are feasable options, as loading landscape mode constantly will not cause any crashes as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would like to thank those who have tested the Infinity Station, and am grateful for the feedback I have received so far! :smiley:

I’ve now included all changes from the last couple of months feedback into a new version v0.85. It mainly includes quality of life improvements concerning the layout, text (typos, misleading expressions), missing images, smaller bugs etc.

@Jade Sadly I couldn’t include the landscape option setting yet, it proved more difficult than I expected, I am still on it though!

If you haven’t tried it yet, I am still looking for more opinions (especially if they are critical, there is an anonymous pool accessible from the games main menu) and would be happy to hear from you! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I played this game last month and I am going to give it a new try soon.

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