Looking for fellow collaborator(s) for hobby project(s)

Hello community, I would like to collaborate on a text-based narrative game for hobby. I have no substantial previous experiences with IF authoring tools, but I’m at comfort with writing code. For example, I have done some experimentation with Twine, and found it (snowman) to be versatile wrt how you can customise it with javascript. My writing skills are also amateurish, and I’d like to improve them through practice. I am looking for a (hobby) project in its early phases, or for people willing to start a new one. I’d love to work on a historical plot, or alternatively on a scifi subject. I would also be happy if another beginner wanted to join efforts in making something small, and learn along the way. Cheers,


I just wanted to say that it took me a quite a while to understand Snowman and if you @dvsdata1 feel comfortable with it, that is no small feat. You have my respect! :slight_smile:

Welcome, dvsdata1!

Thank you HAL9000! I don’t master snowman in its multi-layered depths… I made just a small test with it, and indeed found it easier to grasp than its siblings (Harlowe, Sugarcube, …)

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I think that just means that you are a programmer first and foremost… which is excellent for what you are proposing. Seriously, any writer who is intimidated by the programming side should take you up on your offer.

I’m more into interface/graphic design. If you ever find your project looking a bit “uninspired”, let me know. Maybe I can help. :slight_smile:

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I might have just the thing (early stages and sci-fi)
Send me a DM if you want to know more…

You might be interested in SeedComp, which is a collaboration of sorts. People submit “seeds” of ideas for games, and someone else makes the game from the seed. You can mash multiple seeds together or use only one. It’s a really friendly comp and a great way to draw inspiration from others. It’s entirely possible that someone might want to collaborate on a seed with you.


Thank you Tobias, I have just started a shared project. Cheers,

Thank you Amanda, I’ll consider SeedComp for my next project! Cheers,


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