Looking for a Forever Home for 1.6 G of Adult IF

Forgive me if this is in the wrong place, but I figured this would be the best category for this since there’s no official AIF sub-forum.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I don’t play Adult Interactive Fiction. I played a few really old games as a historical curiosity, but that was about it. Anyways, an old friend of mine from Reddit has sent me what he calls the “AIF Motherload”–a load of AIF-related stuff he collected when the old Yahoo group went down. Every game from the Yahoo AIF Archive and a few that weren’t, the old newsletter and a lot of other miscellaneous AIF-related resources that I can’t make head or tail of. I’m currently looking for someone to take this stuff off my hands and upload it somewhere important (the IF Archive, or a dedicated webspace), so the collected resources, games and memorabilia from the darkest corner of the IF community can be preserved forever.

At the moment, the 7-zip file is sitting on my google drive, but if anyone is interested, I’ll post the link for everyone to just grab and do whatever they wish with it.


There is an AIF subforum here, but you have to specifically request access, and if you don’t play AIF you probably don’t need that.


Well, if you post the link, people will grab it and then we can be sure it won’t be lost.

The question of publishing is trickier. The IF Archive isn’t really in the business of putting up a web page with a bunch of files and a note “we have no idea what’s in there.” But I also don’t know if any of us are prepared to dig through it all and index it.

You could upload it to the Internet Archive. They are more in the “wild collection of miscellaneous files” business. :)


Um, how does one request access to the AIF section?

If you type “@moderators” in a reply field, the site will give a warning: “Mentioning @moderators will notify 5 people. Are you sure?” If you’d rather contact one of those five people with a direct message, they’re listed on this page.

EDIT: thought I had taken precautions to avoid directly notifying them all, but it didn’t work. Maybe adding miscellaneous text styling will prevent superfluous notifications.

You can join groups here: The Interactive Fiction Community Forum


Here is the direct link to the group:


I haven’t paid attention to the historical AIF communities in a while, but I had heard that some of the older websites were going down. Those games definitely should be IFArchived for posterity and can be discussed in the private category.


Agree with Hanon, but if the IF-Archive maintainers prefer not to handle hot things (being an US-based site…) the general 'Net archive (which is mirrored in EU) is a good alternative…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Here is the Google Drive link. Share and enjoy!


Discussion of the technical details, maintenance and potential archive of this material is definitely on topic here, especially where @zarf can offer assistance.

Discussion of the contents and games in the archive is best in the opt-in category: AIF Discussion

I know you all are understanding of this, thanks for your patience!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Link to Historical AIF Archives