Literotica seeks testers for new adult IF platform

Hopefully I’ve tagged this correctly.

Literotica, the website best known for its gigantic catalogue of user-generated adult short stories and novels, is working toward offering some kind of new system/platform for authoring and publishing choice-based AIF. They are seeking IF authors to help beta test a prototype interface.

The request for testers can be found here. If you follow this link, do be aware that their forums contain frank discussion of adult material, plus a good deal of rudeness in general.

Personally, I’m hopeful that this project will bear fruit. If so, AIF as an art form will find itself with a sizable and enthusiastic new audience.


Definitely sounds like my kind of place :smile_cat:

Looks like they’re just using Ink… Don’t know how much testing they need for that…


Hmm… it was mentioned that they were developing a custom graphic development interface, but it’s not yet being tested at this stage. Maybe they’re hoping to get some feedback/direction about what kinds of things would be helpful in the forthcoming interface.

It was also mentioned that they want the testers to publish their stories during the beta phase of the project, so I’m guessing part of the deal is that they want to experiment with hosting and displaying the goods to the general user base.

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Yah, the whole set-up is a little weird and mysterious. One day it’ll be a click-and-drag design tool, but today it’s just Ink? So why the need for beta testers? There are several erotic slash adult Ink stories on itch dot io already.

And if it isn’t Ink, then what is it? Why all the cloak and dagger stuff about the design tool/program/language?

Ink doesn’t have graphics. I imagine they want to create custom GUI design similar to Heaven’s Vault or Overboard. How that will work, only they know. Guess they’d be better off asking Inkle Studios directly. Their community should be more welcoming since it’s their tool, after all.

I suspect it’s what @JoeyAcrimonious said - not so much testing Ink itself, but testing how Ink stories will integrate on their website, and seeing how well Ink can be adopted by their users.