Listing the contents of a table in a readable way

The below code works, but how does one display the output in a readable and grammatically-correct fashion?

So, not a bunch of names with no commas but, “Kitchen, Living Room, Foyer, and Lawn.” Especially since I intend to add/remove entries which might make that output look something like, “Kitchen and Living Room”.

Kevin is a person in the Library. 

Table of Kevin Destinations
Living Room

Instead of asking Kevin about "rooms":
	repeat with N running from 1 to the number of rows in the Table of Kevin Destinations:
		say "[destination in row N of the Table of Kevin Destinations]".

If you store the destinations in a list instead of a table, you can get the format you want by simply ‘saying’ the list. Have a look at 21.3 in the documentation for details.

If the values need (or you especially want them) to be in a table for some reason, you could either convert the table to a list on the fly at the moment you want to print it out, then say the list – or you could use a custom routine to print the table contents nicely. I’ve made a demo that shows such a routine.

In the following demo code, I’ve stored the rooms both in a table and in a list. Then I print the rooms out both ways, first using a routine that nicely formats the contents of the table, second by just saying the value of the list. This is so you can see how each method can be programmed.

I didn’t want to program any conversation, so in the demo, you just ‘jump’ to get the printouts.

"Two Ways"

Kevin is in the Library. 

Kitchen is a room.
Living Room is a room.
Foyer is a room.
Lawn is a room.

Table of Kevin Destinations
Living Room

DESTINATION-LIST is a list of rooms that varies.

When play begins:
	now DESTINATION-LIST is {Kitchen, Living Room, Foyer, Lawn};

Instead of jumping:[asking Kevin about "rooms":]
	say "Method 1: Making a nice output from the contents of a table:[paragraph break]";
	let REMAINING be the number of rows in the Table of Kevin Destinations;
	repeat through the Table of Kevin Destinations:
		say destination entry;
		decrement REMAINING;
		if REMAINING is 1:
			say " and ";
		otherwise if REMAINING is 0:
			say ".";
			say ", ";
	say "[line break]Method 2: Saying the contents of a list:[paragraph break]";

Test me with "jump".


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I started out with a table because that’s what I’m more familiar with, but sounds like I need to spend more time with lists. Awesome, thanks!

Sometimes a table will do just as well as a list, and vice versa, so it can be hard to instinctively pick one over the other. But often what happens is you go along and then you end up in a specific situation (like you did!) where you discover the other format could make something you want to do easier.


One thing that tables do better than lists by default is choosing a random value from them – you can just:

choose a random row in the Table of Kevin Destinations;

But there isn’t really an equivalent for lists. But you can fix that by defining this:

To decide what K is a random member of (list - list of values of kind K):
	let the count be the number of entries in the list;
	let the index be a random number between one and the count;
	decide on entry index of the list.

And now you can:

let target be a random member of the list of Kevin Destinations;


let target be a random member of { Kitchen, Living Room, Foyer, Lawn };

Another non-list-based approach to this sort of thing (that I suspect I’ve mentioned before) is to use adjectives (“descriptions”). It technically could be a bit slower than the list-based approaches (especially if you have a lot of rooms), but unless you’re targeting tiny micros then it’s unlikely to be noticeable:

A room can be Kevin-abiding.
Kitchen, Living Room, Foyer, and Lawn are Kevin-abiding.
Definition: a room is Kevin-free if Kevin is not in it.

... let destination be a random Kevin-abiding Kevin-free room;
... let Kevin's rooms be list of Kevin-abiding rooms;

Map regions can also be used for this:

Kevin Abode is a region.
Kitchen, Living Room, Foyer, and Lawn are in Kevin Abode.
Definition: a room is Kevin-free if Kevin is not in it.

... let destination be a random Kevin-free room in Kevin Abode;
... let Kevin's rooms be list of rooms in Kevin Abode;

The downside of this is that map regions can’t overlap or intersect (without being a strict subset). But since regions are internally implemented as a list, it’s faster than using a general adjective.