I’ve played and rated all of this year’s English-language La Petite Mort entries now. (Les Petites Morts?) (Also, sorry to Maria les campanilles, but my Spanish isn’t that great yet )
I’m not sure if or when I’ll feel up to doing full reviews, but here are some awards!
Potential spoilers ahead.
Most Visceral: 39 Trillion and 1
Best Physical Exploration: The Abandoned House Down the Lane
Most Unsettling Conversation: An Admirer
Best Gentle Melancholy: As the Eye Can See
Best Posthumous Justice: At the Strike of Twelve
Best Interpersonal Dilemmas: The Column
Best Semicomprehensible Alien Horror: Contaminated Space
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu Fhtagn!: The Depths of Madness
Best Reality Subtext Horror: Die Another Day
Weirdest Consequences: Forevermore: A Game of Writing Horror
Best Beginner-Friendly Parser Game: Ghost Hunt
Best Snortworthy Gag: Jumpscare Manor (for the “ball room”/billiards room duplication)
Cutest Psychopomp: Narthex
Best Twist Ending: Roar
Best Psychological Exploration (and also chips): SPILL YOUR GUT
Best Identity Crisis: YARRY
Best Instruction Manual for Dealing With the Fair Folk: You promise
Most Creative Puzzles: Your Little Haunting
My top six, in alphabetical order (I couldn’t get it down to five, and six feels thematic anyway):
The Abandoned House Down the Lane
Contaminated Space
Die Another Day
Forevermore: A Game of Writing Horror
You promise