What do you prefer? Eyes that are colored with the sclera lineless or eyes that have the sclera drawn with line art and then colored? The sclera lineless is in all types of art, same with sclera with line art, what do you think in your opinion, I prefer lineless sclera, IMO.
Usually I prefer sclera in drawings of people. I associate lack of sclera too much with Hanna-Barbera, lol, so if I see a character without sclera I’m gonna assume it’s Hanna-Barbera. XD
In my case, when I draw I always draw the pupil, so I have the linework and know which parts to paint-bucket white to represent the sclera.
Honestly, that bothers me more in a drawing: the absence of the pupil. Bruce Timm and the DCAU is especially guilty of this, hahaha. An eye with an iris but no pupil just looks weird.
Characters with no sclera in Hanna-Barbera shows in the late 60s to 70s looks a bit off, I don’t know if it’s done for to save time or not, Irises colored without a pupil isn’t weird but IRYO, but pupils are important in real humans when light enters the eyes. the absence of pupils in JLU and other DCAU shows is just an artistic choice and the characters in JLU have sclera are drawn with line art and colored and some of them don’t have sclera like Superman, Filmation used to have characters that don’t have sclera either.
hey @ArtsyGirl13 I don’t mean to be a dick about this but why are you in the interactive fiction forum? like genuinely–not as an accusation for you to leave, I’m just not sure why you’re here.
this isn’t an art forum. the art opinions, about camera shake and scleras and sketches, that you’re soliciting are primarily the opinions of writers and game designers. some of us happen to also be illustrative artists and whatnot, and we all enjoy art to some capacity, so we tend to have some thoughts, but that’s not what this forum is for.
this is a forum about interactive fiction computer games, yet you never make posts about interactive fiction, and you never reply to posts about interactive fiction. you also tend to randomly drop an art question and then leave for several months. I’m not sure what the point is.
I’m not trying to chase you out-- we welcome newcomers and we would love to interact with you on the topic of interactive fiction, that’s what we’re all here for. what are you here for?
if it’s art, maybe something like these subreddits would suit you better? Top 30 Subreddits For Illustrators And Digital Artists
I guess the ultimate DCAU character would be one without sclera or iris or pupil…
Sorry if I talk about art on this forum, I’ll talk about fanfiction topics on the forum soon, camera shake is a technique in filmmaking and TV production, but it’s in the category of art, I’ll stop talking about art on this website.
To be clear, we would love to talk to you about interactive fiction (this is different from fanfiction). So I hope you don’t feel like I’m chasing you out!
btw, it’s also totally okay if you just want to talk about art. It’s still Off-Topic Discussion here and we talk about weird stuff there
but if you’d like to dive into another fun topic (wink wink: interactive fiction), the forum is a really cool treasure chest of a neat medium, that’s also art in a way, but less visual in general
Hey, Amber. Did you ever come to an understanding about characters with short proportions?
Not any more out there than asking folks what would be their preferred method of dealing with their mortal remains being their first (and to this date, only) post on the forum. And besides, we got some interesting responses to that one.
Off topic is off topic.
Not sure what the thread title is asking, but I’m pretty sure I’ve enjoyed art styles with just about every combination of sclera, iris, and pupil as well as art styles that mix things up from character to character.
Even though line art has moved beyond it, I think the differences are partially due to the intentions and constraints that cartoonists have had historically. Those have turned into traditions, albeit with some real practical backing.
As @ArtsyGirl13 noted, drawing partially lined or absent sclera can save time. However, it also gives you a lot of room to work with eye-focused facial expressions, even when you have limited space.
You can see that in this Peanuts diagram, where the mouth is either open/closed, small/large, straight/wavy, but each eye expression is unique.
By contrast, Garfield’s large, standardized, perfectly oval eyes have just a few standard modes (wide open, closed, sleepy, angry, and unimpressed). Most of his extra expressions depend on his mouth shape which often is stretched wildly
All bets are off in animation, since you have a lot more frames to work with and can distort things wildly for seconds at a time, like in Looney Tunes.
As for my favorite…I’m partial to an expressionless, deadpan Far Side character with only glasses or a brow line.
Can confirm, one of my usual problems when doing drawing practice is if I make the eyes too small, I barely have enough room to draw the eye expression properly. It’s one of those things where I gotta decide if I’m trying to be accurate with proportions or go “screw proportions I need to get the expression across”.